Friday, December 11, 2009

Grape flowers and Twitter!

In the vineyard, flowering is now well underway, but it is interesting to see just how variable it is across and between varieties. Some clones of Pinot Noir are up to 50% flowering, while others are less than 10%. The more sheltered blocks are also doing well, which is not surprising.

Once flowering is complete then the decision will be made as to how much fruit we need to drop. Meaning, how many small bunches need to be sacrificed to ensure a top quality crop. Always a difficult decision, as it feels a bit like dropping dollar bills on the ground, however with wine, quantities must be kept low to ensure quality fruit.

On the commercial front we have been actively engaged in working our way through the implications of social networking for a business like ours, and in fact have set up a team workshop early January to ensure all our team is engaged with the initiative.

Those of you that have been following our blog will recall a few posts back I said “watch this space as a 60 year old learns all about new media”. Well I can report that it has been the most stimulating few weeks of my business life as I learn all about Facebook and Twitter. We are just finalising a page for the former and have today set up a Twitter link (@MurdochJamesEst) where I’ve just posted my first Tweet! That was about the first taste of our 2008 Syrah which we are now finalising the blending of for release in January.

Also doing some great stuff on sella ( Check it out!! Log onto sella, then Stores, Murdoch James and bid in the auctions!!

Feel free to comment and/or make suggestions as to how I can improve our communications with wine lovers. My long term goal is to be able to talk directly to as many consumers of our wine as I can.


  1. Great to see you're making the most of new media. It's good to see traditions like winemaking blend with new technologies. Best of luck on twitter!

    Our olive trees also flower in a way that's widely variable depending on variety and shelter. Although with the olives the flowering is over and the fruit has already set. Tiiiiny olives coming now...

  2. For a guy who grew up with newspapers, it's a big stretch, but I'm getting there!!
